Incoming students

Rules of the Erasmus+ Programme

at the State University of Applied Sciences in Przemyśl (PANS)

Concerning SMS mobilities of incoming students

during the academic year of 2022/2023.



Application Deadlines 
SemesterDeadlineWhere to send the application and LA
winter semester1st Julyerasmus@pansp.pl
summer semester1st Decembererasmus@pansp.pl

1. Documents required before arriving at PANS

  1. The first step is the official nominations send by the incoming student’s coordinator. Only those students whose nomination was send to PANS will be put on the list of incoming students.        IMPORTANT! WE DO NOT ACCEPT PEOPLE WITHOUT OFFICIAL NOMINATION/STATEMENT FORM THEIR UNIVERSITY.
  2. Before arriving to PANS, the incoming student or the Erasmus+Coordinator at the sending  university should send to the Erasmus+ Coordinator at PANS a Student Application Form <- click here 
  3. The incoming student or the Erasmus+Coordinator at the sending  university should also send a Online Learning Agreement <- click here  completed on the basis of the 2020/2021 catalog of courses made for incoming student. The catalogs are available on our website. (THE CATALOGUE OF COURSES FOR THE 2021/2022 ACADEMIC YEAR WILL BE UPLOADED IN THE FOLLOWING WEEKS) click here -> CATALOGUE OF COURSES FOR INCOMING STUDENTS  
  4. The Learning Agreement has to be accepted by the Erasmus+ Department Coordinator and the Erasmus+ Coordinator at PANS.
  5. The Learning Agreement is sent back to the Erasmus+ Coordinator at the student’s home university (sending university).
  6. Before arriving to PANS, the Institutional Coordinator will call the incoming students via. Whatsapp to have a short conversation in English.
  7. An Invitation Letter will be sent to the student, specifying the exact dates of student’s mobility period.
  8. The host Institute is responsible for the student’s supervision. The Institute should enable the student to implement the courses established in the Learning Agreement.
  9. In case of any doubts related to the program, please contact the Erasmus+ Department Coordinators click here -> CONTACT TO DEPARTMENT COORDINATORS
  10. The host Institute is obliged to:
  • treat incoming students equally with the students of the PANS, in accordance with the principles of the Erasmus+ programme,
  • engage students in non-academic activities,
  • issue a student’s card,
  • enable participation in additional activities.

11. The incoming students by coming to PANS commit themselves to:

  • comply with the academical law in force,
  • attend classes,
  • adapt to the rules and regulations of the PANS Dormitory,
  • adapt to the rules and restrictions issued by the Government of the Republic of Poland (concerning COVID-19).
  • adapt to the guidelines introduced by the PANS authorities (concerning COVID-19).

12. The Invitation Letter is signed by the Rector of PANS when the Director of the host Institute accepts student’s mobility.

13. The East European State Higher School in Przemyśl has the right to refuse to admit an incoming student when:

  • The PANS Dormitory will not be able to provide a sufficient number of rooms and student insists to live at the Dormitory, instead of renting a separate flat/room,
  • the epidemic situation in a foreign country does not allow the admission of the student,
  • the epidemic situation in Poland affects the decision of the Rector of PANS to stop the mobilities of incoming students.

2. During the stay at PANS

  1. After arriving at PANS, the incoming student should come to the Erasmus+ Office (Room no. 3.44, Technical College) in order to:
  • confirm student’s presence at PANS (this date is considered to be the official start of student’s study period at PANS),
  • complete all the formalities related to the registration at the Dormitory, obtaining a residence card, or extending a visa.
  1. After checking in at the Erasmus+ Office, the student should fill in a form and pay a fee of 22 PLN (about 5 EUR). This will enable him/her to issue a student’s card.
  2. According to the rules of the Erasmus+ program, the student is obliged to participate in classes and individual consultations conducted at PANS. Details should be consulted with the lecturers of the courses.
  3. Any changes to the Learning Agreement have to be made in consultation with the Erasmus+ Department Coordinator. The changes must be approved by PANS and the student’s university (Sending University).

 3. Formalities before departure

  1. After the end of the study period at PANS, the student receives the following documents:
  • Confirmation of Study Period (a document confirming the period in which the student studied at PANS),
  • Learning Agreement (part After Mobility), which contains information about the passing or failing of courses, grades, and ECTS credits (Learning Agreement should be filled by the Erasmus+ Department Coordinator).
  • Transcript of Records (This document contains: names of courses, grades, number of hours completed, form of passing, and ECTS credits). Transcript of Records is completed on the basis of the Learning Agreement (part After Mobility), it is important that student brings the LA to the Erasmus+ Office.

More information


For more information about visa requirements click the links below

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Link 6

We also recommend that you check the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your country
or contact Erasmus+ Coordinator at your University to obtain reliable information about the legal stay in Poland.


PANS will provide mobile participants with accommodation in PANS dormitory.

Insurance information

PANS will  provide the participants with the information about National Health Insurance, help with completing necessary documents and filling forms in Polish language.

More information about:
